First MTP Fusion


Dr. Desai uses the Arthrex first MTP fusion plates.


Post Operative Instructions


  • You will have a dressing and a post op sandal on your ankle and foot for 6 weeks following surgery

  • At 6 weeks, you will wean off the sandal and begin walking in a regular shoe


  • The surgical incision has been closed with sutures

  • Do not get the cast or wound wet for the first two weeks. When showering place a bag over the cast and secure with tape to your leg to avoid the cast and wound getting wet

  • Stitches will be removed at your 2 week appointment

  • After the stitches are removed, you may begin to shower after 2-3 days

  • Do not immerse the foot in water (bath, hot tub, pool) for 4 weeks

  • Do not apply any lotions or creams on the wound for 6 weeks

Weight Bearing:

  • You may walk on your heel only for the first 6 weeks while in a walking boot. You will be given crutches if needed

  • After 6 weeks you may begin fully walking on the foot


  • You will be given a prescription for pain medication and Aspirin (blood thinner)

  • Pain medication should be used regularly for the first 24-48 hours, when required for the first 1 to 2 weeks, followed by Regular Tylenol

  • Aspirin should be taken for 10 days


  • For right foot surgery you are not permitted to drive until you have completely weaned off the boot

  • For left foot surgery, please contact your insurance company to see if you are permitted to drive

  • Driving is not permitted while on narcotics


  • You will be in a cast for the first two weeks following surgery

  • You will be permitted to put weight through your heel only. If you are able to get to work safely, and will be seated for the majority of the day, you may return to work a couple days after surgery

  • Return to full duties is usually possible after 8-12 weeks

Follow Up:

  • You will have your first appointment 2 weeks after surgery in the Fracture Clinic

  • Your next appointments will be at 6 weeks, 3 months then 6 months post operatively

  • You will have x-rays taken at these appointments


  • It is normal to experience mild to moderate pain, numbness, or tingling for the first 2 weeks following surgery

  • Please come to the emergency department if you are suffering from severe pain

  • You will get back to most of your activities by 3 months

  • Swelling often remains for 6-12 months

  • You are expected to experience a FULL recovery (no pain, no swelling, ability to walk, etc.) in 9-12 months


  • For the first 2 weeks you should perform hip and knee exercises in the cast

  • From 2-6 weeks you may remove the boot 5-10 times per day and perform range of motion exercises for your ankle only

  • After 6 weeks you will begin to walk without the boot and begin strengthening the foot and ankle – you will be referred for formal physiotherapy at this time

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